How to setup Slack App to integrate with CSAT plugin

  • You will see the dialog below:


  • Choose "From an app manifest".

  • You will see the dialog below and select your team you are working on if you have more than 1 team.


  • Then click Next button.

Step 2. Add a new configure in Manifest

  • You will see the dialog. (suggesst using json)


  • Copy all text below

{ "display_information": { "name": "MySlackApi" }, "features": { "app_home": { "home_tab_enabled": false, "messages_tab_enabled": true, "messages_tab_read_only_enabled": true }, "bot_user": { "display_name": "BotName", "always_online": true } }, "oauth_config": { "redirect_urls": [ "http://localhost:2990/jira/secure/ConfigureCustomerSatisfactionSurvey.jspa?projectKey=***" ], "scopes": { "bot": [ "app_mentions:read", "bookmarks:read", "bookmarks:write", "calls:read", "calls:write", "channels:history", "channels:join", "channels:manage", "channels:read", "chat:write", "chat:write.customize", "chat:write.public", "dnd:read", "commands", "conversations.connect:manage", "files:write", "groups:history", "conversations.connect:read", "conversations.connect:write", "emoji:read", "files:read", "im:write", "groups:read", "groups:write", "im:history", "incoming-webhook", "im:read", "links.embed:write", "links:write", "links:read", "mpim:history", "metadata.message:read", "mpim:read", "pins:write", "reminders:read", "reactions:write", "reminders:write", "mpim:write", "pins:read", "team.billing:read", "reactions:read", "team:read", "usergroups:read", "remote_files:read", "remote_files:share", "users:read", "remote_files:write", "team.preferences:read", "workflow.steps:execute", "users:write", "usergroups:write", "users.profile:read", "" ] } }, "settings": { "org_deploy_enabled": false, "socket_mode_enabled": false, "token_rotation_enabled": false } }
  • Paste into dialog manifest (tag json).


  • Change 3 param in your own way.


name: ***

(For example, name: MySlackApi)


display_name: ***

(For example, display_name: BotName)


redirect_urls: ***

(For example, the CSAT configuration page URL for project with key is TEST)

  • Then click Next button.

Step 3. Review your configure Slack Api


  • Then click Create button.

Step 4. Copy and paste the the Client ID and Client Secret to the CSAT Configuration page

  • From the Settings menu select Basic Information - Copy the Client ID AND Client Secret


  • On the CSAT app configuration > Integration tab paste your Client ID AND Client Secret on the integration form


  • Then click Save button. An Add to Slack button will appear as below:

  • Then click Add to Slack button to authorize.

  • Click Allow button at the bottom of the page

(Note: If you see this page, you need to upgrade your workspace or create new workspace in Slack)



  • You will be redirected back to the CSAT Configuration page

Step 5. Select the channel that you want notification messages to be sent to

  • A list of public/private Slack channels should be shown as below


  • Select a channel you want the notifications to be sent to. Then click Save button.

Congratulations! Now you can test your Slack notification by create an issue then rating.

Public Channel:

The message in the corresponding Slack public channel will look like the following screenshot

Private Channel:

Invite Bot User to private channel (choose Add an app or command line: /invite @BotUser)

The message in the corresponding Slack private channel will look like the following screenshot