How to setup Slack App to integrate with NPS Cloud

  • You will see the dialog below:

  • Choose "From scratch".

  • You will see the following dialog box, where you can select the team you are working on if you have more than 1 team


  • Then click Create App button.

Step 2. Create URL Webhook:

Next, you will see dashboard Slack API.

  • From the menu Features select Incoming Webhooks.

Step 3. Enable webhooks:

  • Click the toggle button on/off located in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • Click the Add New Webhook to Workspace button and choose the channel you want to send messages

Step 4. Select a channel.

  • On this screen, you need to select the channel where the bot will send messages, and then click Allow.



  • After that, you will see a URL. This link is used to establish a connection between the app and Slack.

If you want to select a different channel, continue by clicking on the Add New Webhook to Workspace button, and choose the channel you want.

Step 5. Set up the Slack webhook in the NPS configuration.

Go back to the NPS app and paste the link into the textbox.

  • You can save the configuration and use it normally from here. If you want to check, there will be a 'Send a test message' button available.

Each Webhook URL can only send messages to one channel.

Public Channel:

The message in the corresponding Slack public channel will look like the following screenshot


Private Channel:

When Nps rating:




Congratulations! Now you can test your Slack notification by create an issue then rating.