Use Case for Approval

Use Case for Approval

In this section:


  • During the process of building and developing the application. There will be some specific cases you need to pay attention to when setting up Approval. Each Approval will be configured for a single project.

Use case 1: Creation of approval with identical source status is not permitted.

  • Let's establish a new Approval named "Approval for Task - Open," assigning the Project Lead as the Approver.


  • Next, the Issue Type will be selected as "Task" and the Source Status will be set to "Open."


  • The remaining select Approve/Reject Transition and Condition steps can be configured according to your preferences.




  • Next, a new Approval named "Approval for Task - Open 2.0" will be created, with the selection of Issue Type and Source Status as Task and Open, respectively. However, in this instance, the application will not display the Open option for selection. Because the Approval with Issue Type and Source Status as Task and Open has already been created.

Explanation: Our application currently supports only one Approval configuration for each Issue Type and Source Status.





Use case 2: Creation of approval with a selected custom field.

  • Let's establish a new Approval named "Approval for Task - Open without Custom Field" assigning the Project Lead as the Approver.




  • Next, the Issue Type will be selected as "Task" and the Source Status will be set to "Open."





  • The remaining select Approve/Reject Transition and Condition steps can be configured according to your preferences.



  • Next, a new Approval named "Approval for Task - Open with Custom Field" will be created, with the selection of Issue Type and Source Status as Task and Open, respectively. However, in this instance, we will enable the Additional Filter. Next, we will choose the Custom Field as Source and the Custom Field Value as Email.


  • The remaining select Approve/Reject Transition and Condition steps can be configured according to your preferences., and we will proceed to obtain Approval as illustrated in the image below. Now we have two Approvals.


In this scenario, the configuration of the "Approval for Task - Open with Custom Field" Approval differs from the "Approval for Task - Open without Custom Field" Approval due to the Additional Filter being enabled. Upon the creation of a new issue, if it contains a Custom Field, the condition must be satisfied, it will be associated with the "Approval for Task - Open with Custom Field" Approval. Conversely, if the new issue does not include a Custom Field, it will be linked to the "Approval for Task - Open without Custom Field" Approval.




Use case 3: Same Issue Type and Source Status, different Custom Field and Custom Field Value.

  • In case scenarios: We have two Approvals.

Approval 1:

  • Select Issue Type: Choose "Sub-Task".

  • Enable Additional Filter.

  • Then Select Custom Field: Choose “Source“.

  • Select Custom Field Value: Choose “Email“.

  • Select Source Status: Choose "Open".

Approval 2:

  • Select Issue Type: Choose "Sub-Task".

  • Enable Additional Filter.

  • Then Select Custom Field: Choose “Investigation reason“.

  • Select Custom Field Value: Choose “High impact incident“.

  • Select Source Status: Choose "Open".

  • If the Issue was created with the Issue Type as “Sub-Task”, Source Status as “Open“ the Approval will not start. Because this Issue has satisfied the conditions of both Approvals at the same time, the approval cannot start.


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