CSAT 5.0 Release Notes
Candylio Software is proud to announce the release of CSAT 5.0.0 on Oct 19, 2021 . Please read on to see what have been introduced or fixed in this version.
This version is only compatible with Jira 8
New CSAT Score and CSAT Rating Type custom fields
CSAT Rate custom field has been deprecated since this version. Although this custom field is not completely removed, no CF value will be recorded for new CSAT surveys.
CSAT Rate custom field is now replaced with CSAT Score and CSAT Rating Type custom fields. Both of new custom fields are Number custom fields so that they can be easily incorporated in any ezyBI reports.
The system administrator can migrate existing CSAT Rate data to the new CSAT Score and CSAT Rating Type custom fields by using the Migrate function on the new CSAT Custom Fields screen
Ability to bulk delete CSAT configurations for projects
The system administrator now can bulk-delete CSAT configurations for any projects on the Survey Center page
New Automation tab for Trigger Event on the CSAT Configuration screen