Email Template NPS

Default Nps email template

The default NPS email template like the following image:

Custom NPS email template

To custom NPS email template, go to Configuration page → Email tab → Request New Template link.

A dialog box will appear. In this dialog you can enter a new template and then click the submit button when you're done.

We use Thymeleaf Template to define the template. Currently, we only support the following variables:

  • ${recipient}: Recipient name.

  • ${issueKey}: Issue key.

  • ${issueSummary}: Issue summary.

  • ${issueLink}: Issue link. (Ex: <a th:href="${issueLink}" th:text="${issueKey}"></a>).

  • ${ratingSection}: Rating section in email. It can be emoticons, stars or numbers. You can change rating type in General tab.

  • Elements: div, span, a, img.

  • Attributes of elements: align, style, th:text, th:href, th:src.

For example:

Important note: Don’t forget to add ${ratingSection} variable to the template.

After clicking the Validate button, the customized email template will undergo backend validation, with the results displayed in a preview email template dialog:

After clicking Confirm button. You can use this template for your NPS survey.

If user want to revert to the default email template. User can click Revert to default button.

The NPS email content looks like: