How to use NPS
This tutorial will help admin.
First, admin need to install NPS for Jira Cloud. After that, admin go to a project and click on the NPS sidebar link on the left tab to enable NPS.
1. The first-time access, admin have to enable NPS in the pop-up panel
Admin choose which status to set NPS trigger
Click Enable Now to finish.
After clicking Enable Now, admin will see the Success notification and NPS dashboard tab in NPS Survey.
2. NPS Configuration
Admin click the Setting icon to go to the Configuration
General tab
Admin can:
change status in Trigger Event.
add some JQL statement in Filter by JQL (Trigger Event and Filter by JQL is an AND conditioner).
change Recipient (default is reporter).
check the “Always send survey emails…” box (default is not check).
Note: Please make sure that the Enable button is turned on.
Questions tab
In this tab, there is some fields to show statement in in-context rating or email rating.
Negative Response: show message when rating score is between 0 and 8 (Detractor and Passive).
Positive Response: show message when rating score is 9 and 10 (Promoter).
Email tab
Survey email will be sent to recipient when ticket status and trigger status are the same.
Email can turn on/off (default is turned on)
Anti-Phishing is the name tag on the top-right email page (editable)
3. NPS Survey
Dashboard contains the reports, which is presented by the Date Filtering
and show 5 last consecutive reports in Recent Feedback
All Feedback
In All feedback tab, admin can filter with Rating Stat (Promoter, Passive, Detractor), Assignee, Reporter, Issue Type, Component.
Engagement contains all ticket which had ticket status and trigger status are the same.
Admin can resend email for a ticket (click Resend in Actions column) or some tickets (check in the first column and click Re-send Mail )