Rating Configuration

Rating Configuration

After setting trigger event and complete the task, the system will show feedback in the issue (left) or send an email to the recipient (right).

and if you would like to adjust something in this template, this post will help you solve them.

Choosing Satisfaction on the left panel, waiting the system loaded after that clicking setting icon   
and choosing Rating tab.

Creating an issue-key MP-23 has  the summary: test20, assignee: Nha Huynh, reporter: admin and state (trigger event): Done for introducing options.

·       Assignee: Show an assignee’s name on feedback template via email.


Turn on

Turn off


Assignee option





Feedback template



·       Message:

Confirmation Message: set title content for feedback.

If an feedback has from 4 to 5 star rating, the system will notify content of Positive Response. And if an feedback has from 1 to 3 star rating, notifying content of Negative Response.





·       Second question

First case, turning off second question

The survey will hide categories.

Second case, turning on second question and uncheck Make all categories optional.

The feedback cannot be sent because the recipient must choose one or more categories.

The warning of 1 – 2 star rating:

The warning of 3 – 5 star rating:

Third case, turning on second question and checking Make all categories optional

The recipient can give star rating and does not need to select one or more categories

Note: If the recipient give 2 star and 1 star rating (bad rating), he/she must write a comment.

And finally, Thank you Message to notify after rating.


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