General Configuration

General Configuration

Upload Logo

Choose the logo that you would like to appear in the email.

Logo Size

Adjust the logo size to fit your needs.  Choices and their sizes are below:


Size (pixels

xsmall16 x 16
small24 x 24
medium32 x 32
large48 x 48
xlarge64 x 64
small@3x72 x 72
xxlarge96 x 96
xxxlarge128 x 128
large@3x144 x 144
xxlarge@2x192 x 192
xxxlarge@2x256 x 256
xxlarge@3x288 x 288
xxxlarge@3x384 x 384

Maximum size for a built in avatar in JIRA 6.4 is only large. Selecting a bigger size wont make any difference. A customer avatar is highly recommended.

Rating Type / Rating Section

Choose from numbers, stars, and emoticons.




Trigger Event

Choose when the satisfaction surveys are sent to customers by selecting which JIRA workflow event should trigger this.  If you are working with the default workflow you can choose between done, in progress, to do.  Most teams choose "done" as that is when the task is completed.  It can also work with custom workflows so if your team uses a slightly different workflow it will work.

Filter by JQL

JQL filtering option for you to target a group of recipients. e.g. Issuetype != Development, Component = Support, Labels = Important, etc...
